1998 – 2004 Ege University Faculty of Medicine, İzmir, Turkey.
2011 – 2014 Specialization in Tirana University Medical Faculty Nephrology Department.
June 28 –July 3, 2009 Columbia Seminars Internal Medicine Salzburg
August 26-31 16 th Budapest Nephrolgy School /CME Course ;
2009 Member of ERA EDTA
Part-time academic staff in the Department of Surgery in the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences WBU from 21th November 2023
Specialist Doctor of Nephrolgy in the Hemodialysis and Renal Transplant Service ÌÇÐÄlogoÈë¿Ú (2007-ongoing)
Primary Care Doctor, Kavaja (2005-2007)
A1. Hakan Erdem,Edmond Puca, Yvon Ruch ,Lurdes Santos, Nesrin Ghanem-Zoubi, Xavier Argemi, Yves Hansmann, Rahmet Guner, Gilda Tonziello, Jean-Philippe Mazzucotelli, Najada Como, Sukran Kose, Ayse Batirel, Asuman Inan, Necla Tulek, Abdullah Umut Pekok, Ejaz Ahmed Khan, Atilla Iyisoy, Meliha MericKoc, Ayse Kaya-Kalem, Pedro Palma Martins, Imran Hasanoglu,André Silva-Pinto, Nefise Oztoprak, Raquel Duro, Fahad Almajid, Mustafa Dogan, Nicolas Dauby, Jesper Damsgaard Gunst, Recep Tekin, Deborah Konopnicki, Nicola Petrosillo, Ilkay Bozkurt, Jamal Wadi, Corneliu Popescu, Ilker Inanc Balkan, Safak Ozer-Balin, Tatjana Lejko Zupanc, Antonio Cascio, Irina Magdalena Dumitru,Aysegul Erdem, Gulden Ersoz, Meltem Tasbakan, Oday Abu Ajamieh, Fatma Sirmatel, Simin Florescu, Serda Gulsun, Hacer Deniz Ozkaya, Sema Sari, Selma Tosun, Meltem Avci, Yasemin Cag, Guven Celebi, Ayse SagmakTartar, Sumeyra Karakus, Alper Sener, Arjeta Dedej, Serkan Oncu, Rosa Fontana Del Vecchio, Derya Ozturk-Engin,Canan Agalar. Portraying infective endocarditis : results of multinational ID-IRI study. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 03607-x .Publish online ;2019 June.
A2. Strakosha A , Pasko N, Dedej T , Dedej A, Nasto F, Perk H, Thereska N. Prevalence of microalbuminuria and risk factor analysis in type 2 diabetes patients inAlbania : the need for accurate and early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy. Klinik SerilerNefroloji, Diayaliz ve Hipertansiyon 2020: Volume 1 (1): 6-10.
A3.Ariana Strakosha, Nevi Pasko, Fjona Nastja, Arieta Dedej, Vilma Cadri, ElvanaRista.Renal replacement therapy in Albania. Klinik Seriler Nefroloji, Diayaliz veHipertansiyon 2020: Volume 1 (1): 11-14.
A4. Nasto F, Dedej A, Perk H, Thereska N. Stroke in hemodialysis patient and mortality.Klinik Seriler Nefroloji, Diayaliz ve Hipertansiyon 2020: Volume 1 (1): 15-17
A5. Fjona Nasto Arjeta Dedej Denada Haxhiu Nestor Thereska; Cerebro-Vascular accidents in hemodialysis patients: A retrospective study in Amerikan Hospital. International journal of ecosystems and ecology science (IJEES) (Vol.10, No. 1): 2020-03-20;189-192.
A6. Fjona Nasto, Arjeta Dedej, Dr. Nestor Thereska, “Stroke in Hemodialysis Patients and Mortality”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020;1403-140
A7. Nevi Pasko, Ariana Strakosha, Arieta Dedej, Loredana Kapidani, Fjona Nasto, Elvana Rista, Vilma Cadri, Suela Mumajesi, Nestor Thereska.The assocıatıon between the ancle-brachıal ındex and markers of ınflamatıon ın chronıc hemodialysis patıents. Nephrology .Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 35, Issue Supplement 3, June 2020
A8.Fjona Nasto,Arjeta Dedej,Nestor Thereska .Silent brain infarction in hemodialysis patients IJEES(International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science .Vol10(1):215-218(2020)
B. Reports at national and international meetings
B1. Fjona Riza, Arjeta Dedej, Arjana Strakosha, Nevi Pasko, Nestor Thereska A Case Report of a Hemodialysis Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia and Ascites. 9th BANTAO Congress. Poster Abstract book,53, Antalya , Turkey,2009.
B2. Kani Masaroğulları, Barcin Ozcem,Muhabbet Durdiyeva Koralp, Selin Bardak Ozcem, Arieta Dedej, Duriye Deren Oygar, Soner Duman. Primer myelofibrozis vakasinda es zamanlı arterıyel ve venöz tromboz.15 Ulusal Iç Hastalıkları Kongresi, Abstract book 155, Antalya, Turkey,2013
B3 Kani Masarogullari ,Kamil Gusen,Barcin Ozcem,Duriye Deren Oygar,Ufuk Gencalp,Arjeta Dedej,Soner Duman ,Emir Baris Okcun Kardiyak tutulumu olan sklerodermali hastada rekurren ventrikuler tasikardi tedavisi Ulusal Iç Hastalıkları Kongresi, Abstract book 133, Antalya, Turkey,2013
B4. Dedej A.Treatment of hepatitis C in patients with renal transplant and altered renal function.Conference of infectious diseases .Tirana, Albania , November ,2016 (Oral presantation)
B5.DedejA. Treatment of hepatitis C in hemodialysis patients in ÌÇÐÄlogoÈë¿Ú (POSTER)
B6. Dedej A.10 years kidney transplant in ÌÇÐÄlogoÈë¿Ú. International Multidisciplanary Medical Congress in Albania.Abstract book 191,Oral presantationTirana , Albania ,2017
B7. Strakosha A, Pasko N, Nasto F,.Dedej A. Cadri V, Mumajesi F. The frequency and risk factors of urinary tract infection among trnasplanted patients..International Multidisciplanary Medical Congress in Albania.Abstract book 191,Tirana , Albania ,2017
B8. F.Nasto, A.Dedej. Cerebral vascullar accidents in hemodialysis. International Multidisciplanary Medical Congress in Albania.Abstract book 194,Tirana , Albania ,2017
B9. Ariana Strakosha,Nevi Pasko,Fjona Nastja,Arjeta Dedej,Vilma Cadri ,Elvana Rista Renal replacement therapy in Albania , International Multidisciplanary Medical Congress in Albania.Abstract book 222, Poster,Tirana , Albania ,2017
B10..A.Dedej,FNasto,AStrakosha, ADaku,BHyseni ,N Thereska,SErsoz Oral presantation Principles of kidney transplant;experienece and future challengein ÌÇÐÄlogoÈë¿Ú 15th Conference of Nephrology october 6th 2018
B11 . Nevi Pasko,Arianda Strakosha,Fjona Nasto ,Vilma Cadri,Arjeta Dedej ,Denada Haxhiu Diabetic patients in hemodialysis ;challenge of multidiscipinary treatement 15th Conference of Nephrology october 6th 2018
B12..A.Dedej, A. Strakosha, F.Nasto, N. Therecka. Impact of anemia after renal transplantation. 4th International Multidisciplanary Medical Congress in Albania.Oral presantation Abstract book 216,Tirana , Albania ,2018.
B13. A Strakosha, A.Dedej, F.Nasto, N.Pasko, V.Cadri,N.Thereska, Outcome of the living donor 4th International Multidisciplanary Medical Congress in Albania. Abstract book 216,Tirana , Albania ,2018.
B14. F.Nasto, A.Strakosha, N.Pasko,A,Dedej, V.Cadri, E.Rista, N.Thereska OP 249 Trends in the prevalence of End stage renal disaese in Albania 4th International Multidisciplanary Medical Congress in Albania.Abstract book,Tirana , Albania ,2018.
B15.A.Daku, A.Dedej,F.Nasto,L.Berdica,I.Allajbeu, A.Hodaj The imaging of acute tubular necrosis in the transplanted kidney donor 4th International Multidisciplanary Medical Congress in Albania.Abstract book 239,Tirana , Albania ,2018.
B16.Dedej A. Acute rejection treatament in kidney transplantation .Oral Presantation, Albanian Medical Education Association (AMEA ) March ,2019
B17. Dedej A. Post transplanted diabetic nephropathy.Oral presantation Albanian Medical Education Association (AMEA ) June ,2019
B18. Arjeta DedejAlbanian experience in renal transpantation Oral presantation (General practioner and family doctor Association) june 8 th2019
B19. Dedej A. Monoclonal glomerulopathy,importance of MGCS when MGUS isnt inimportant .Oral Presantation, Albanian Medical Education Association (AMEA ) July ,2019
B20. Arjeta Dedej ,Leart Berdica,Sotiraq Lako,Fiona Nasto,Ariana Strakosha .C3 Glomerulonephitis in post transplanted patient with monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance (MGRS ),a case report.Oral presantation OP168 AJTES (Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery november 2019
B21. Arjana Strakosha,Nevi Pasko,Vilma Cadri,Fiona Nasto,Arjeta Dedej,Nestor Thereska,Myftar Barbullushi. Influecing factors in the evolution of renal transplant patients OP169 AJTES (Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery november 2019
B22. A. Strakosha, A.Dedej, F.Nasto, N. Thereska. C3 glomerulopathy in post trasnplanted patient with MGRS. 16th Balkan Association of Nephrology Dialysis and Artificial Organs (BANTAO) Congress Tirana , Albania ,2021.
B23. A.Dedej, A. Strakosha, F.Nasto, N. Therecka. Glioblastoma in kidney in transplanted patient case report. 16th Balkan Association of Nephrology Dialysis and Artificial Organs (BANTAO) Congress Tirana , Albania ,2021
B24. F.Nasto, A.Dedej. Silent brain infarctions in hemodialysis patients. 16th Balkan Association of Nephrology Dialysis and Artificial Organs (BANTAO) Congress Tirana , Albania ,2021.
B25. Dedej A. Management of hyperlipidemia in end stage patient with renal disease, case report Oral Presntation, Albanian Renal Academy March ,2022.
B26 Dedej A Managment of acute fibrilation in chronic hemodialysis patient Oral presantation Albanian renal academy April 2024