
Patient Resources

Inpatient Department

Information on the hospitalization of patients at the ÌÇÐÄlogoÈë¿Ú
1. In order to accept a patient at the hospital, there is a need for a medical instruction and the passport or any other identification document of the patient. The acceptance is done only by the expert and the foster doctor through the policlinic for hospital acceptances. In emergency cases, the doctor can accept a patient without the above-mentioned documents. If this is the case, the patient shall be released from the hospital as soon as he/she passes the emergency situation.

2. After being accompanied to his room, the patient shall leave his clothes and shall undergo a complete sanitary treatment.

3. The patients are not allowed to bring to the hospital other personal belongings and precious items, except for the personal hygiene items, newspapers, magazines and books to read.

4. Visits of the patient’s relatives in the hospital are allowed every day at 11:00 – 12:00 and 16:00 – 18:00.

5. The patients daily programme is as follows:
– breakfast from 7:00 to 7:30,
– lunch from 12:00 to12:30,
– dinner from 17:00 to 18:00 in the winter time,
– dinner from 18:00 to 19:00 in the summer time,
– leaving the ward without a prior confirmation by the doctors is strictly prohibited,
– entry of patients in the nursery room without notifying the nurses is prohibited.

6. Patients should not receive other medicaments different from what the competent or the foster doctor has prescribed for them.

7. Patients and visitors are strictly prohibited to:
– bring to the hospital alcoholic beverages and to use them,
– smoke
– bring food items at the hospital (apart from fruits and juices for daily consumption),
– use lifts, apart from the ones that are only for patients use,
– enter at the nurse rooms,
– receive food and other items through the windows and to throw wastes from the windows,

8. For taking care of the health of the patient, only one family member of the patient can accompany him and stay with him in the hospital room. This is also true for the visitors.

9. While leaving the hospital, the patient shall receive a leaving permit and the epicrisis signed by the competent doctor.

10. Any violation of internal rules and leaving the hospital with the will of the patient means leaving the hospital and the hospital keeps no legal responsibility for such acts. Our wish is to have every patient talk to the doctor and the nurse or submit in writing remarks and proposals for improving the service and say what he or she did not like in the hospital. The patient shall be provided with a questionnaire to fill in. Feedback from the patients helps us improve our performance.

Information about pre-operatory patients

The pre-operatory patients, the first day of their hospitalization, get a letter of consensus for getting operated on and for the anesthesia. After reading it and delivering the appropriate explanations by doctors, the letter is signed by the patients and his/her family members.
We do highly recommend to read the entire information carefully and to not hesitate to ask questions about the above-mentioned procedures. Also, the patients get relevant explanations on the administrative part, contained at a personal instruction.

For the operations, donation of blood is made by the relatives of the patients. Donation of blood is one of the main criteria to be fulfilled before the operation. The amount of blood to be used at the operation determines the number of donors. Please note that blood is neither bought, not sold, it only donated at the free will of people, therefore donation of blood from the patients’ family members is a must.

We would like to inform you that the entire procedure of donation of blood is realized at the National Center of Blood Transfusion and that all the donors, friends or relatives, are obliged to follow the protocol rules of this center, accompanied by the staff of the ÌÇÐÄlogoÈë¿Ú.

Donation of blood
Donation of blood can save a life!!!
Donate blood, donate life!

Donate blood in the National Blood Transfusion Center in Tirana or in the blood centers of the regional hospitals. Raise the awareness of your relatives and of people surrounding you on the importance of donation of blood. Help the ones who are in need of blood today, thinking that you or a relative of yours will need it one day.

Blood is a natural product that cannot be artificially reproduced and is indispensable to living. Blood is neither purchased, nor sold, it is only donated or given for free. Blood is regenerated, therefore, it is possible to have a lack of small amount, which causes no harm to the body, is again quickly substituted, and, in the meantime, saves the lives of the people in need.


  • Age: 18-65
    For the periodical donors of over 65 years and for the first-time donors of older than 60, it is up to the doctor to decide on whether the person is a candidate for donation of blood or not.
  • Weight: over 50 kg
  • Arterial pressure:
    between 110 – 180 (systolic or maximal)
    between 60 – 100mmHg (diastolic or minimal)
    Persons with a normal arterial tension under treatment for hypertension cannot donate blood.
  • Frequency: regular and rhythmic, between 50 – 100 beats per minute (and lower for the ones exercising sports)
  • Hemoglobin: over 12.5g/dl in women and over 13.5 g/dl in men
  • Inspection: Anemia, week body, Icter, Cyanosis, Edema, Irritability, alcohol user, drug user, etc.
  • Overall situation: good
  • Temperature: maximum of 37 degrees Celsius
  • Living style: no abnormal behavior.

Blood donation procedure:

  • After the donor has filled out the questionnaire on his heath status and after being selected pursuant to the above criteria, he gets registered to donate blood
  • Under the constant supervision of the doctor, he is accommodated in the donation bed
  • A specialized nurse disinfects his/her arm, and carries out the puncture procedure
  • This procedure is a simple and not painful.
  • The entire procedure for donation of blood lasts for 5-8 minutes
  • The amount of blood to be donated is 450+/- 10% of the overall amount
  • During the entire time of donation, the doctor and the nurse follow the procedure with care.
  • After the donation, the donator is told to lie for five minutes and to afterwards stand up carefully. He is advised to consume a lot of juices the same day, such as water, tea, milk, juice, etc.

The donated blood servers to:

  • The ones suffering of chronicle deceases
  • For major operations
  • For surgery emergencies
  • For traumas and accidents
  • For mothers giving birth to their children

Outpatient Department

Policlinic Services