1976 鈥 1982 Fakulteti Mjek毛sis毛, Universiteti i Tiran毛s
1972 鈥 1976 Gjimnazi 鈥淧etro Nini Luarasi鈥, Tiran毛
1982 鈥 1983 Klinika e Mjek毛sis毛 Interne, Qendra Universitare 鈥樷橬毛n毛 Tereza鈥欌
1983 鈥 1997 Klinika e Kimioterapis毛, Sh毛rbimi i Onkologjis毛 n毛 Qendr毛n Universitare 鈥樷橬毛n毛 Tereza鈥欌.
1997 Doktore e Shkencave Mjek毛sore me tem毛, 鈥樷橰ezultatet e trajtimit me kimioterapi adjuvante sipas skem毛s C.M.F. te grat毛 me kancer t毛 operuesh毛m t毛 gjirit me limfonodula aksilare pozitive鈥欌.
1997- 2020 P毛rgjegj毛se e Klinik毛s s毛 Kimioterapis毛, Sh毛rbimi Onkologjis毛, Qendra Universitare 鈥樷橬毛n毛 Tereza鈥欌 1997 鈥 vijon Pedagoge me koh毛 t毛 pjesshme, pran毛 Katedr毛s s毛 Onkologjis毛, QSUT.
Maj 2016 Titulli Prof.Asc, me tem毛 鈥淢etastazat pa fokus primar t毛 njohur鈥.
1985 Trajnim n毛 Onkologji, Bordeaux, Franc毛
1985 Trajnim n毛 Onkologji, Oslo, Norvegji
1995 Trajnim n毛 Onkologji, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
2001 Trajnim n毛 Onkologji, Bari, Itali
2003 Eksperienc毛 n毛 prodhimin e preparateve citostatike, Salzburg, Austria
2004 Eksperienc毛 n毛 organizimin e Sh毛rbimit t毛 Kimioterapis毛, Lugano, Zvic毛r
Pjes毛marrje e gjer毛 n毛 konferenca komb毛tare dhe nd毛rkomb毛tare
Konferenca e 23-t毛 e ESMO-s, Athin毛, Greqi (6-10 N毛ntor 1998)
Konferenca e 3-t毛 Europiane e Kancerit t毛 Gjirit, Barcelon毛, Spanj毛 (19-23 Mars 2002)
Konferenca e 6-t毛 e Kancerit t毛 Gjirit, Milano, Itali (16-18 Qershor 2004)
Kongresi i 5-t毛 onkologjik i Unionit Balkanik, Beograd, Serbi (14-17 Tetor 2004)
Konferenca e 29-t毛 e ESMO-s, Vjen毛, Austri (29 Tetor鈥 2N毛ntor 2004)
Takimi vjetor i ASCO-s , Orlando, Florida, Amerike ( 13-17 Maj 2005)
Konferenca Shkencore dhe Edukative e ESMO-s, Budapest, Hungari (2-5 Qershor 2005)
P毛rdorimi i duhur i antibiotik毛ve n毛 spitale dhe komunitet, Bled, Slloveni (13-15 Tetor 2005)
Konferenca e 13-t毛 Europiane mbi kancerin, Paris, Franc毛 (30 Tetor-3 N毛ntor 2005)
Konferenca e 5-t毛 mbi kancerin e gjirit, Nice, Franc毛 (21-25 Mars 2006)
Konferenca e 6-t毛 onkologjike e Unionit Ballkanik, Sofie, Bullgari (12-15 Shtator 2006)
Konferenca e 31-t毛 e ESMO-s, Stamboll, Turqi (29 Shtator- 3 Tetor 2006)
Konferenca e Onkologjis毛 Geriatrike: Kanceri tek t毛 moshuarit, Hag毛, Holland毛 (2-4 Nentor 2006)
Konferenca e 10-t毛 Internacionale, St.Gallen, Zvic毛r ( 14-17 Mars 2007)
Takimi vjetor i Shoqat毛s Amerikane t毛 Onkologjis毛 Klinike, Chicago (1-5 Qershor 2007)
Trajtimet e deritanishme dhe t毛 reja t毛 p毛rdorura n毛 onkologji, Berlin, Gjermani (23 Qershor 2007)
Seminari i dyt毛 i shkoll毛s onkologjike Ballkanike, Volos, Greqi (6-8 Shtator 2007)
Konferenca e 6-t毛 Europiane rreth kancerit t毛 gjirit, Berlin, Gjermani (15-19 Prill 2008)
Konferenca e 11-t毛 Internacionale, St. Gallen, Zvic毛r (11-14 Mars 2009)
Konferenca e 6-t毛 Onkologjike e Europ毛s Qendrore, Opatija, Kroaci (24-27 Qershor 2009)
Seminari i 3-t毛 i Shkoll毛s Onkologjike Ballkanike, Volos, Greqi (10-12 Shtator 2009)
ECCO 15 鈥 34 ESMO Multidisiplinary Congress, September 2009, Berlin
Konferenca e 11-t毛 Europiane: Prespektivat n毛 Kancerin e Pulmonit, Amsterdam, Holland毛 (5-6 Mars 2010)
Konferenca IMPAKT, Bruksel, Belgjik毛 (6-8 Maj 2010)
Konferenca e 12-t毛 Bot毛rore mbi kancerin gastrointestinal, Barcelon毛, Spanj毛 (30 Qershor-3 Korrik 2010)
Konferenca e 8-t毛 onkologjike e Unionit Ballkanik, Sibiu, Rumani ( 8-11 Shtator 2010)
Seminar Internacional: 鈥樷橰oli i antioksidant毛ve n毛 terapit毛 antitumorale鈥樷, Tiran毛, Shqip毛ri (19 Shtator 2010)
Samiti Global GIST, Helsinki, Finland (2-3 Tetor 2010)
Kongresi i 35-t毛 i ESMOs, Milano, Itali (8-12 Tetor 2010)
Nj毛 er毛 e re n毛 luft毛n kund毛r kancerit, Spitali Hygeia, Tiran毛, Shqip毛ri (20 N毛ntor 2010)
Konferenca e 12-t毛 Europiane: Perspektivat e Kancerit Pulmonar, Torino, Itali (11-12 Mars 2011)
Konferenca e 12-t毛 Internacionale, St. Gallen, Svicer (16-19 Mars 2011
First Tirana Mediterranean Cancer Congress, Tiran毛, Prill 2011.
Annual Kongress in onkology . Amsterdam, korrik 2011.
ESMO 2011, Stocholm, shtator 2011.
Target Terapia n毛 mRCC. Izmir, N毛ntor 2011
Target Anticancer Treatment, Amsterdam, Mars 2012
ESMO 2012, Vienna, shtator 2012.
Konferenca e 13-t毛 Internacionale, St. Gallen, Zvic毛r, Mars 2013
ESMO 2013, Amsterdam, 27 shtator-2 Tetor 2013.
EURIT Oncology Forum, Zagreb, 18-20 Tetor 2013.
Konferenca e 3-t毛 Mediko-Onkologjike, N毛ntor 2013.
Trajtimi i Kancerit Renal, Paris, 7-9 N毛ntor 2013.
Sarcoma and GIST, Milano, 18-19 Shkurt 2014
Alpe Adria Expert Meeting, Split, Croatia, June 21.
Cancer Prevention: Challenges and Opportunities, Tiran毛, 6 June
16th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcelona, Spain,
June 2014.
nd International Pharmaceutical Conference, Kosovo, September
4 th Regional meeting in oncology experts, 24-26 Octobre 2014,
Kirurgjia onkoplastike e gjirit, Tiran毛, Tetor 2014
Konferenca e 22-t毛 Kirurgjikale Shqiptare, N毛ntor 2014
Konferenca Nd毛rkomb毛tare Shkencore, 15 N毛ntor, 罢颈谤补苍毛.
Konferenca e 14-t毛 Internacionale St. Gallen, Viena, Mars 2015
Regional meeting in oncology Experts, May 2015, Belgrade
Visiting Professorship Head and Neck Cancer, May 2015, Tirane
Palbociclib Advisory Board Meeting , Budva, September 2015
ECCO-ESMO 40th European Oncology Congress, Vienna, September
st AROME- ESO Joint Consensus Conference: Access to Cancer Care
Innovations in Emerging Countries, October 2015.
Joining forces event, Albania 2015, November, Tirana Congress
10th European Breast Cancer Conference, Amsterdam, Mars 2016
World Congress on Cancers of the skin, 12th
Congress of the
European Association of Dermato-Oncology, Vienna Austria,
September 2016
Innovations on Breast Cancer treatment seminar – Acibadem and
Center of Oncology, QSUT 鈥 May 2017
Konferenca e 6-t毛 e shoqat毛s Medico-Onkologjike Shqiptare, Tiran毛,
N毛ntor 2016
rd EUASSO Congress 鈥淚nnovations and New technologies in Surgical
oncology鈥, October 2016
PERJETA n毛 trajtimin Neoadjuvant dhe metastatik t毛 kancerit t毛 gjirit,
Hotel Sheraton Tirana, Tetor 2016.
th Regional Oncology Forum, Prague, Czech Republic, November
Roundtable Tirana Oncology Clinic, 19 January 2017, Tirana
International-Hotel, Tirana Albania, THE ROLE OF CDK4/6 INHIBITORS
Innovations on Breast Cancer Treatment Seminar, Tirana, Albania,
May 2017
Pfizer Oncology Academy, September 2017, Tirane
rd AROME-MONTENEEGRO COURSE Bridge between science and
Acces to cancer care innovations in emerging countries, Budva,
Montenegro, October 2017.
Roundtable Tirana Oncology Clinic, December 2017, Victoria Hotel,
CANCER, Breast Cancer is many diseases; target therapies vs
Roundtable Tirana Oncology Clinic, 18 Mars 2018, Victoria Hotel,
Scientfic congress on Thoracic Onkology, Tiran毛, May 2018
Kanceri i Mushk毛rive dhe Un毛. Tipe t毛 ndryshme. Rrug毛time t毛
ndryshme 鈥 Roche, Hotel Hilton Garden Inn, Tiran毛 20 n毛ntor 2018:
Terapia Biologjike. Vendosja e standarteve t毛 reja n毛 trajtimin e
kancerit t毛 mushk毛rive.
ELEVATE 2 Advancing Science in HR+/HER2-mBC 鈥 Viena, Austria 20-
21 Prill 2018.
Pfizer oncology Academy November 2019
st Pan-Albanian conference on breast cancer, Tetor 2019
Kongresi VII i Onkologjis毛, Tiran毛, Janar 2020
An毛tare e BUON (Shoqata Onkologjike Ballkanike) dhe an毛tare e
bordit Editorial
An毛tare e AROME (Shoqata Onkologjike dhe Radiologjike e vendeve
An毛tare e Shoqat毛s Onkologjike t毛 Shqip毛ris毛
An毛tare e ESMO (Shoqata Europiane e Onkologjis毛 Klinike)
An毛tare e Shoqat毛s Shqiptare t毛 Morfologjis毛 Klinike
Anetare e BABA (Shoqata Onkologjike e vendeve Ballkanike dhe
Efektet An毛sore t毛 kimioterapis毛 adjuvante te grat毛 me kancer t毛
gjirit. Revista Mjek毛sore Shqiptare, 1996
Korrelacioni Anatomo-Morfologjik i kancerit t毛 gjirit me ecurin毛 e tij
klinike. Revista Mjeksore Shqiptare, 1997
Menopauza dhe Kanceri i Gjirit. Konferenca Komb毛tare mbi
Menopauzen, 1998.
Trajtimi i kancerit t毛 prostat毛s n毛 Shqip毛ri. Konferenca Komb毛tare e
Urologjis毛, 2000
Neutropenia gjat毛 trajtimit me kimioterapi agresive t毛 kancerit t毛
gjirit. Aspektet Morfologjike, No. 1, 2005
Roli i kimioterapis毛 n毛 trajtimin e kancerit t毛 nazofaringut. Buletini i
Shkencave Mjek毛sore, 2005
Treatment results with C.A.F. neo-adjuvant chemotherapy in locally
advanced breast cancer. Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the
Balkan Union of Oncology, Belgrade Serbia, October 14-17, 2005.
Preparatet e reja n毛 trajtimin e Kancerit t毛 Gjirit. Leksion gjat毛
毛orkshop-it t毛 organizuar nga Shoqata Onkologjike e Shqip毛ris毛 dhe
Bordi Shqiptare i Tumoreve, 2006,
Trajtimi i metastazave kockore me bifosfonate-Acidi Zolendronik.
Konferenca Komb毛tare e Onkologjis毛, Tiran毛, 2006
Trajtimi hormonal adjuvant i stadeve t毛 hershme t毛 kancerit t毛 gjirit.
Konferenca Komb毛tare e Onkologjis毛, Tetor 2006.
Trajtimi i kancerit t毛 gjirit me trastuzumab. Konferenca Komb毛tare e
Onkologjis毛, Tetor 2006.
Kanceri i Gjirit n毛 moshat e reja. Konferenca e 6-t毛 e Mjek毛sis毛
Interne, 2006.
Peripheral T-Cell lymphoma of the uterine cervix; case report.
Proceedings of the 6th Congress of BUON, Sofia, Bulgaria. September
13-16, 2006
Metodat e reja n毛 trajtimin e kancerit t毛 pulmonit. Konferenca Lokale
e Trajtimit t毛 Kancerit t毛 Pulmonit, 罢颈谤补苍毛. Maj 2007.
Breast cancer in young women. Balkan Union of Oncology, Official
Journal, 2007.
Diagnostikimi i hersh毛m i kancerit t毛 gjirit. Konferenca Komb毛tare e
Onkologjis毛, Tetor 2007.
Terapia Target: Bevacizumab-i n毛 trajtimin e kancerit metastatik t毛
gjirit. Konferenca Komb毛tare e Onkologjis毛, Tetor 2007.
Antraciklinat dhe efektet e tyre an毛sore t毛 shfaqura gjat毛 trajtimit t毛
pacienteve me kancer t毛 gjirit, 2008.
Breast Cancer in young females in Albania. Proceedings of the 7th
Congress of BUON, Izmir, Turkey. October 16-19, 2008.
Concomitant chemo-radiation in head and neck cancer. Proceedings
of the 7th Congress of BUON, Izmir, Turkey. October 16-19, 2008.
Metastatic malignant melanoma in a 13 year old girl; Clinical case
report. Proceedings of the 7th Congress of BUON, Izmir, Turkey.
October 16-19, 2008.
Secondary malignancies due to radiotherapy; Clinical Case report.
Proceedings of the 7th Congress of BUON, Izmir, Turkey. October 16-
19, 2008.
Adverse effects of platinum agents in patients with ovarian cancer.
70th International Congress of FIP, Lisbon, Portugal. 28 August- 2
September, 2010.
Problems in the management of drugs and the prevention of their
waste, at the hospital cardiology and hematology pharmacy in
Tirana. 70th International Congress of FIP, Lisbon, Portugal. 28
August- 2 September, 2010.
Male Breast Cancer in Albania. Proceedings of the 8th Congress of
BUON, Sibiu, Romania. September 8-11, 2010.
Triple Negative Breast Cancer: our experience between 2003-2008.
Proceedings of the 8th Congress of BUON, Sibiu, Romania. September
8-11, 2010.
Information about the diagnosis in an Albanian cancer patient.
Proceedings of the 8th Congress of BUON, Sibiu, Romania. September
8-11, 2010.
Tumor Krukenberg: A report of 3 Cases. 18th Meeting of Balkan
Clinical Laboratory Federation, Tirana, Albania. September 22-25,
Epoka e re n毛 trajtimin e tumoreve. Zhvillimet e reja n毛 trajtimin e ca
t毛 gjirit. Konferenc毛, Spitali Hygeia. N毛ntor 2010.
鈥淏renner Tumour鈥 Highlights on Cancer prevention, screening,
Diagnosis and Treatment; First Tirana Mediterranean Cancer
Congress ,Tirana, April 2011
Case report: Breast cancer patient not collaborative with curative
doctor 鈥
Highlights on Cancer prevention, screening, Diagnosis and
Treatment; First Tirana, Mediterranean Cancer Congress, Tirana,
April 29-30, 2011
Simpoziumi pranveror onkologjik.Tumoret neuroendokrine. Kosov毛
Maj 2011.
Trajtimi i kancerit t毛 avancuar t毛 laringut. Tiran毛, 6 Maj 2011
Profili genetik i melanom毛s, Simpozium shkencor, Tiran毛, 2012
Kimioterapia dhe target terapia n毛 kancerin e gjirit, Konferenc毛
Spitali Hygeia, Tetor 2012
Influenca of immunosupresive therapy on biochemical parameters.
Konferenca farmakologjike e Maqedonis毛.
Kimioterapia dhe target terapia n毛 kancerin e kok毛/qaf毛. Konferenc毛
Spitali Hygeia, Janar 2013
Kimioterapia dhe target terapia n毛 kancerin e pulmonit Spitali
Hygeia. Shtator 2013
Trajtimi dhe prognoza e Limfom毛s Malinje jo Hodgkiniane
testikulare. Konferenca Komb毛tare Kirurgjikale, Tiran毛, Tetor 2013.
Expert Dialogues: Optimimising Clinical Practice for Improved Patient
Outcomes. Paris, Franc毛, N毛ntor 2O13.
Konferenca e 3-t毛 Mediko-Onkologjike, Tumoret Testikulare dhe
Ovariale-Sfidat e reja diagnostike dhe Teraprutike, 16 N毛ntor 2013,
Zhvillimet bashk毛kohore n毛 farmaci, 19 -21 shtator, Kosov毛.
Trajtimi sistemik dhe terapia e personalizuar n毛 kancerin e gjirit,
Breast Oncoplastic Surgery Conference, 25 tetor 2014, Spitali Hygeia,
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for stomach cancer patients, Konferenca
e 22 -t毛 kirurgjikale shqiptare, 31 Tetor 鈥 1 N毛ntor 2014, 罢颈谤补苍毛.
Breast cancer in young women in Albania- Clinical Research/The
Breast 2014
Trajtimi adjuvant n毛 kancerin e kolonit, stadi i II-III, Konferenca
Nd毛rkomb毛tare Shkencore, 15 N毛ntor, 罢颈谤补苍毛.
International Medical Congress in Albania: Skin toxicities Associated
with Oral Administration of Sorafenib and Sunitinib in UHC 鈥淢other
Teresa鈥, Tiran毛, prill 2015.
International Medical Congress in Albania: A survey of gastric cancer
in Albania at a period of time 2012-2013, Tirane, prill 2015
International Medical Congress in Albania: Efficacy and Tolerability of
neoadjuvant chemotherapy with antracycline and taxanes in locally
advanced breast cancer, Tiran毛, prill 2015.
International Medical Congress in Albania: Neoadjuvant
Chemoradiation for locally advanced rectal cancer, Tiran毛, prill 2015
Trajtimi Sistemik i Melanom毛s, Tiran毛, Maj 2015
Konferenca e 11-t毛 shkencore e Stomatologjis毛: Oral complications
associated with cancer chemotherapy.
Konferenca e 11-t毛 shkencore e Stomatologjis毛: Chemotherapy
induced dental manifestation in childhood cancer.
Dysplasia in Gastric Mucosa and its Reporting Problems, N毛ntor
2015, Revista Macedonian Juornal of Medical Sciences.
Kongresi i 7-t毛 Komb毛tar i Pneumologjis毛 dhe Konferenca e 5-t毛
Shkencore e Onkologjis毛: Profili imunohistokimik dhe impakti n毛
trajtimin e kancerit t毛 gjirit. N毛ntor 2015
Kongresi i 7-t毛 i Pneumologjise dhe Konferenca e 5- t毛 shkencore e
Onkologjis毛: Nga biologjia molekulare n毛 terapin毛 e targetuar.
Nentor 2015
Kongresi i 7-t毛 Komb毛tar i Pneumologjis毛 dhe Konferenca e 5-t毛
Shkencore e Onkologjis毛: Zhvillimet e trajtimit hormonal n毛 kancerin
e gjirit. N毛ntor 2015
Kongresi i 7-t毛 Komb毛tar i Pneumologjis毛 dhe Konferenca e 5-t毛
Shkencore e Onkologjis毛: K毛ndv毛shtrimet e reja n毛 trajtimin e
kancerit t毛 avancuar t毛 gjirit, N毛ntor 2015
Kongresi i 7-t毛 Komb毛tar i Pneumologjis毛 dhe Konferenca e 5-t毛
Shkencore e Onkologjis毛: Trajtimi i personalizuar i kancerit pulmonar.
N毛ntor 2015
Kongresi i 7-t毛 Komb毛tar i Pneumologjis毛 dhe Konferenca e 5-t毛
Shkencore e Onkologjis毛: Limfomat malinje, format mediastinale.
Case report. N毛ntor 2015
Kongresi i 7-t毛 Komb毛tar i Pneumologjis毛 dhe Konferenca e 5- t毛
Shkencore e Onkologjis毛: Tumoret extragonale primare mediastinal.
N毛ntor 2015
Kongresi i 7-t毛 Komb毛tar i Pneumologjis毛 dhe Konferenca e 5- t毛
Shkencore e Onkologjis毛: Roli i testeve diagnostike molekulare n毛
mjek毛sin毛 e personalizuar t毛 kancerit t毛 gjirit. DCIS 莽far毛 duhet t毛
dij毛 anatomopatologu dhe p毛rse? N毛ntor 2015
Konferenca XVII komb毛tare e Gastro-Entero-Hepatologjise: Joana
Millo, Fatjona Kraja, Enkelejda Cuedari, Sabo Ademi, Dhurata Tarifa
Roli i biomarkerave n毛 p毛rzgjedhjen e trajtimit te毛 kancerit
kolorektal (Enkelejda Cuedari, Joana Millo, Sabo Adem, Majlinda
Ikonomi, Dhurata Tarifa, Agim Sallaku): Konferenca XVIII Komb毛tare
e Gastro-Entero-Hepatologjis毛?
The current breast cancer treatment landscape in Albania, Joining
forces event, Albania 2015, November, Tirana Congress Centre
Terapia biologjike: Vendosja e standarteve t毛 reja n毛 trajtimin e
kancerit t毛 mushk毛rive 鈥 Kanceri i Mushk毛ris毛 dhe Un毛 鈥 takim,
N毛ntor 2018, 罢颈谤补苍毛.
Case report: Neuroendocrine tumor of lung (B. Malaj, Dh. Tarifa)
Scientfic congress on Thoracic Onkology, Tiran毛, May 2018
Screening for Distress in Breast Cancer patients in Albania with a
specific questionnaire 鈥 Medico Research Chronicles 鈥 an
international Journal of Medical Sciences
Analiz毛 e trajtimit me target terapi n毛 kancerin renal metastatik n毛
Sh毛rbimin Onkologjik, QSUT 鈥 Gusht 20021, Revista New Bulletin of
Medical Journal
Roli i kimioterapis毛 neodajuvante n毛 patologjit毛 malinje t毛 rectumit
lokalisht t毛 avancuar 鈥 Gusht 2021, Revista New Bulletin of Medical
Clinical outcomes of reirradiated patients with recurrent rectal
cancer- Annals of Oncology Volume 28 /Supplement 3/2017
IBUON 2019: AROME-ESO Oncology Consensus Conference: access to
cancer care innovations in countries with limited resources.
Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology of the Mediterranean
Area (AROME-Paris) and European School of Oncology (ESO-Milan)
Risk Factors that Influence the development of bone metastasis in
Breast Cancer Patients 鈥 Suplment I The Breast Magazine
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy treatment of Breast Cancer in young
women in Albania 鈥 Suplement i The Breast Magazine
Metabollic syndrome and Breast Cancer molecular subtypes: an
observational study-Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research,
Volume 16: 1鈥8, 2022
Risk factors that influence the development of bone metastasis in
breast cancer patients 鈥 11th EBCC, Barcelona, Spain 2018 鈥 Prill 2018
Kanceri i gjirit n毛 Shqip毛ri dhe problematika n毛 trajtimin
neoadjuvant, PERJETA n毛 trajtimin Neoadjuvant dhe metastatik t毛
kancerit t毛 gjirit, Hotel Sheraton Tirana, Tetor 2016.
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Where do we stand today (A.
Pema, F. Proko, Dh. Tarifa), Konferenca e 6-t毛 e Shoqat毛s MedicoOnkologjike Shqiptare, Tiran毛, N毛ntor 2016
Retroperitoneal Lymphnode dissection in the treatment of testicular
cancer (a. Bodeci, A. Sallaku, A. Karaj, Dh. Tarifa) Konferenca e 6-t毛 e
Shoqat毛s Mediko-Onkologjike Shqiptare, Tiran毛, N毛ntor 2016
Innovative approaches in systemic treatment for MCRPC (B. Kreka,
Dh. Tarifa) Konferenca e 6-t毛 e shoqat毛s Medico-Onkologjike
Shqiptare, Tiran毛, N毛ntor 2016
Deciding the initial therapy for patients with stage II-III castric cancer
(E. Cuedari, Dh. Tarifa) Konferenca e 6-t毛 e Shoqat毛s MedicoOnkologjike Shqiptare, Tiran毛, N毛ntor 2016
Recent advances in systemic therapy of patients with advanced
hepatocarcinoma (J.Millo, B. Kreka, Dh. Tarifa) Konferenca e 6-t毛 e
Shoqat毛s Mediko-Onkologjike Shqiptare, Tiran毛, N毛ntor 2016
Treatment of metastatic renal cancer in the era of targer therapy and
risk assessment (S. Ademi, J. Millo, Dh. Tarifa) Konferenca e 6-t毛 e
Shoqat毛s Medico-Onkologjike Shqiptare, Tiran毛, N毛ntor 2016
Ho毛 to optimize patient selection for the neo-adjuvant or adjuvant
systemic treatment in invasive bladder cancer (S. Senjo, Dh. Tarifa)
Konferenca e 6-t毛 e Shoqat毛s Medico-Onkologjike Shqiptare, Tiran毛,
N毛ntor 2016
Kanceri i gjirit n毛 Shqip毛ri dhe problematika n毛 trajtimin neoadjuvant
鈥 Perjeta n毛 trajtimin Neoadjuvant dhe Metastatik t毛 kancerit t毛
Gjirit, Tiran毛, Tetor 2016
Breast cancer pathology in Albania, Management International
Guidelines (ESMO, NCCN, ASCO) of aBC. Dr. Dhurata Koroveshi,
University Professor. Chief of chemotherapy, Oncology Clinic, UHMT,
Roundtable Tirana Oncology Clinic, 19 January 2017, Tirana
International-Hotel, Tirana Albania, THE ROLE OF CDK4/6 INHIBITORS
More than a decade of sunitinib in the treatment of metastatic Renal
Cell Carcinoma: what have we learned from real world clinical
practice, Pfizer Oncology Academy, September 2017, Tirana
Breast Cancer is many diseases 鈥 target therapies vs chemotherapy 鈥
Roundtable Oncology Clinic, Tirane, December 2017
Breast Cancer pathology in Albania, Management of International
Guidelines 鈥 Roundtable 鈥 The role of CDK4/6 Inhibitors in the
treatment of advanced Breast Cancer 鈥 January 2017
Treatment and Management strategies of aRCC pts in Albania 鈥
Roundtable Tirana Oncology Clinic 鈥 March 2018
Risk factors that influence the development of bone metastasis in
bresat cancer patients (E. Kozma, K. Mati, B. Malaj, Dh. Tarifa).
鈥樷橲creening for distress in Breast Cancer patients in Albania with a
Cancer specific questionnaire鈥欌 6th Issue, 4th Volume of Medico
Research Chronicles.
Limited Stage 鈥 SCLC treated with Chemoradiationtherapy (K. Mati,
Dh. Tarifa, K. Qeraj, E. Ruci, R. Bani), Scientific congress on Thoracic
Onkology, Tirane, May 2018
The use of biomarkers in the treatment of NSCLC (J. Millo, E. Cuedari,
S. Ademi, A. Pema, J. Cuni, F. Proko, A. Durbaku, Dh. Tarifa) Scientific
congress on Thoracic Onkology, Tirane, May 2018
Treating patients with ALK/ROS1 鈥 Positive NSCLC: latest evidence and management strategy (S. Senjo, V. Senjo, K. Mati, Dh. Tarifa)
Scientfic congress on Thoracic Onkology, Tiran毛, May 2018
Treatment and Management strategies of aRCC patients in Albania.
University Professor. Dhurata Koroveshi, Chief of chemotherapy, Oncology Clinic, UHMT, Roundtable Tirana Oncology Clinic, 18 Mars 2018, Victoria Hotel, Tirana Albania,UPDATES IN ONCOLOGY
Trajtimi i kombinuar t毛 kancerit t毛 ovarit ( Silva Celiku, Enkelejda Cuedari, Sabo Ademi, Prof. As. Dhurata Tarifa, Prof. As. Majlinda Ikonomi): Konferenca Komb毛tare e Profesionist毛ve n毛 Sh毛ndet毛si 2-13 Prill 2019, 罢颈谤补苍毛.
Trajtimi Neoadjuvant dhe Adjuvant i kancerit t毛 ovarit (E.Cuedari, S. Ademi, R. Bani, Dh. Tarifa, M. Ikonomi, S. Celiku, R. Tahiri), Kongresi i VII i onkologjis毛, Tiran毛, Janar 2020.
Epidemiology of Renal cancer 3 rd AROME-MONTENEEGRO COURSE bridge bet毛een science and clinics in oncology, 2nd AROME-ESO JOINT CONSENSUS CONFERENCE Acces to cancer care innovations in emerging countries, Budva, Montenegro, October 2017.
Renal Cancer in Albania, Pfizer Oncology Academy November 2019
Kimioterapia dhe Trajtimi Sistemik i Kancerit. Tarifa, Dh., Sallaku, A., Lako, S. Shtepia Botuese 鈥樷 Ombra鈥欌. (2007).
Onkologjia klinike, Autor毛t: Prof A. Sallaku, Dr A Karaj, Dr.Shk;Dh Tarifa, Prof. N Kacani, Dr. Shk Silva Celiku, Dr. Shk Majlinda Buba, Dr G. Selenica.
Monografi: Kanceri i gjirit nga biologjia molekulare tek terapia e targetuar.
Monografi: Urgjencat onkologjike. Efektet an毛sore t毛 kimioterapis毛 dhe menaxhimi i tyre
Udh毛heqje tem毛 doktorature
1. Dr. Dafina Ademi-Islami tem毛 doktorature: 鈥淣d毛rlidhja e sindrom毛s metabolike dhe faktor毛ve me n毛ntipet molekulare t毛 kancerit t毛 gjirit te femrat鈥.
2. Dr. Anila Kristo (Pema) tem毛 doktorature: 鈥淜anceri i gjirit, vler毛simi i rolit prognostik t毛 receptorit progresteronik n毛 pacient毛 ER pozitiv. Korelimi i tij me s毛mundje node pozitive dhe statusin Her2鈥.
Jam ftuar si lektore n毛 t毛 gjitha takimet shkencore dhe edukative t毛 organizuara nga departamentet e onkologjis毛 s毛 nj毛 s毛r毛 kompanish farmaceutike si Roche, Astra Zeneca, Novartis dhe GSK.
GCP-SOP Trajnime p毛r Investigator毛t pjes毛marr毛s n毛 studim Investigator primar n毛:
Studimin Klinik Global MO 18109 me emrin TRUST (Tarceva n毛 NSCLC)
Studimin Klinik Global MO 25455 MAXIMA (MabThera subcute n毛 trajtimin e NHL refraktare)
Studim Klinik Lokal ML22160 Siguria e Xelodes n毛 kancerin e kolonit
Studimi RO5185426 n毛 Melanomat metastatike me Nr. Prot MO25515, qendra studimit 239449
Studim Klinik MO28048 P毛rdorimi i Herceptines subcute n毛 trajtimin e kancerit t毛 gjirit. (Phase III prospective, two- cohort Nonrandromised multinacional open label study to assess the safety of assisted- outself administered subcutaneous Trastuzumab as therapy in patient with operable Her2 Positive early breast cancer (Safcher study)
Studimi i efektit t毛 Clodronat disodium n毛 metastazat kockore.
Pjes毛marrje n毛 takimet e investigator毛ve rreth MabTheres subkutane ne iNHL
Pjes毛marrje n毛 takimet e investigator毛ve rreth Vemurafenib n毛 melanom毛n metastatike.
Kam qen毛 an毛tare e bordeve drejtuese n毛 konferencat komb毛tare Onkologjike si dhe bashk毛punim me sh毛rbimet e tjera.
Kam qen毛 aktive dhe kam marr毛 pjes毛 n毛 udh毛heqjen dhe n毛 mbikqyrjen e formimit profesional dhe akademik t毛 specializant毛ve duke p毛rfshir毛 dhe shqiptar毛t nga Kosova n毛 sh毛rbimin Onkokologjik q毛 prej vitit 2004.