
Dr. Avni Ko莽i

Dr. Avni Ko莽i


1982 – 1985 Postgraduate specialization Faculty of Medicine with the title of doctor “anesthesiologist – resuscitator”

1972 – 1977 University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine, with the title, “General Practitioner”

1968 – 1972 Medical High School “Jani Minga”, Vlorw

Professional experience:

2010 – ongoing participants in various qualifications organized by the Ministry of Health and the department of anesthesia – resuscitation

2005 – 2007 Deputy Director, technician of the Hospital Service Directorate, Librazhd

1985 – 2005 Director of the Directorate of Public Health, Librazhd

1985 Anesthesiologist-resuscitator, Librazhd Regional Hospital

Member of the Order of the doctor and the association of anesthesiologists-resuscitators of Albania.

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