1985-1990 University of Medicine, Tirana
1991-1994 Specialization for Anaesthesia-Reanimation UHC 鈥淣ene Tereza鈥, Tirana
June 1997 -April1 1998 9 month Training,Anaesthesia-Reanimation. (Bundeswehr Krankenhaus Bad Zwischenahn, Oldenburg, Germany)
October-November 1995 Qualification training in GATA, Ankara, Turkey
2003-2004 Post University (MASTER) UHC 鈥淣ene Tereza鈥 Tirana.
2007-2012 Laureate 鈥淒octor of Medical Sciences鈥 Faculty of Medicine, Univeristy of Tirana
1990-1991 General Practicioner in the Civil Hospital of Burrel, Albania
1991-1994 Specialist DoctorUHC 鈥淣ene Tereza鈥 Tirana
1994-2003 Anaesthesist-Reanimation MD., 鈥 Anaesthesia-Reanimation Service, National Trauma Center, Military University Hospital Center, Tirana
2003-2016 Anaesthesist-Reanimation MD.,鈥 Anaesthesia-Reanimation Service UHC 鈥淣ene Tereza鈥 , Tirana
2012-2015 University Professor (Part-time) Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine.
February 2016-present University Professor (Full-time) Faculty of Technical Medicinal Sciences, University of Medicine
March 2016 鈥 present Anaesthesist-Reanimation MD.,鈥撎切膌ogo入口 2,Tirana.
Complications and treatment protocol in Spinal Anesthesia. Clinical experience. 鈥漇cientific Conference” Anesthesia, Intensive Care, Pain Therapy.” December, 2000.
“Analgesic effects of intrathecal neostigmine in low extremity surgery”. International symposium on critical care medicine, 19th Annual Meeting, Trieste, Italy November 12-15, 2004.
“Improvement of postoperative analgesia from midazolam supplementation in intrathecal injection of fentanyl and bupivacaine in lower extremity surgery”, 12th Medico-Surgical Conference, Tirana 2004.
“Analgesic effect of intrathecal neostigmine in lower extremity surgery”, Conference IV, “Anesthesia, urgency, intensive therapy, pain”, Tirana, March 26-27, 2004.
“Caloric support of septic patients”, Conference V, “Anesthesia, urgency, intensive care, pain”, Tirana 25-26 March 2005.
“Xarelto under the supervision of the Anesthesiologist”, Symposium on: XARELTO, Direct inhibitor of factor Xa for Oral thromboprophylaxis, Tirana, February 20, 2010.
鈥淧araumbilical block for umbilical hernia surgery鈥, XI Serbian Congress, I Balkan Symposium of Anesthesiologists & intensivists. October 7, 2010. Belgrade, Serbia.
“Incidence of fat embolism syndrome in locomotor trauma”, Association of Albanian Medical Doctors in Macedonia. Supplement 6, Gostivar, October 28-29, 2011. ISSN 1409-6366.
“The Role of rehydration in the prevention of fat embolism syndrome”, 19th Albanian Conference of Surgery, November 11, 2011. ISBN: 978-9956-697-7-5.
“High risk factors in locomotor trauma for the appearance of fat embolism syndrome”, 19th Albanian Conference of Surgery, November 11, 2011. ISBN: 978-9956-697-7-5.
鈥淧rophylactic effect of corticosteroids and early fixation of fractures in decreasing incidence of fat embolism syndrome鈥 II-nd International Conference of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care 18-19 May 2012.Prishtine, Kosovo.
“High risk factors in locomotor trauma for the appearance of fat embolism syndrome and the role of drug and surgical prophylaxis in reducing the incidence”, The European Anesthesiology Congress.Paris, France, June 9-12,2012.ISSN: 0265-0215.
“Role of imagery examinations in Fat embolism syndrome diagnostics”. XII Conference of the Association of Anesthesiologists and Resuscitators. April 19-20, 2013.Tirana, Albania.ISBN: 978-999-4398-01-0
“Prolongation of mechanical ventilation after AG (general anesthesia) in a patient with open femoral fracture in the field of severe obesity and sleep apnea syndrome”, XIII Conference of the Association of Anesthetists and Resuscitators. October 10-11, 2014.Tirana, Albania.ISBN 978-9928-08-158-2
鈥淐linical experience from tranexamic acid usage in brain injuries鈥, 1st Annual Conference of Albanian Trauma Association 21-22 May 2015. Tirana, Albania.
鈥淐linical experience from tranexamic acid intraoperative use in THA, TKA鈥, Anesthesiology and Reanimation Specialists 鈥橲ociety Congress, Balkan States Anesthesia Days – II, 15-18 May 2015, Tirana, Albania.
“Crash Syndrome and Bull Control during Resuscitation”, CEEA Course III (Committe for European Education in Anesthesiology). December 11-12, 2015. Tirana, Albania. ISBN: 978-9928-4281-8-9.
鈥淭he role of drugs and time of surgery in reducing the incidence of fat embolism syndrome in locomotor trauma鈥 2nd Annual Conference of Trauma 22-23 April 2016, Tirana, Albania.
“General anesthesia versus combined Epidural-General Anesthesia (CEGA) In Patients Undergoing major abdominal abdominal surgery. A clinical review”, Conference 24 Albanian Surgical date 28-29 October 2016, Tirana, Albania.
鈥淐ombined ozone therapy with corticosteroids in the treatment of herniated discs, our modest experience鈥 3 rd Annual Conference of Trauma 02-03 September 2017, Tirana, Albania.
鈥淓ffect of mean arterial pressure (MAP) on early graft function of renal transplant recipients鈥 3rd International Multidisciplinary Medical Congress in Albania 2017 16-18 November, Tirana, Albania.
“Disc herniation: Epidural Steroids, oxygen-ozone, steroids combined with oxygen-ozone therapy, compared to discectomy”, Conference on Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Technical Sciences – Challenges and Prospects. Tirana, 12 – 13 April 2018.ISBN 978-9928-4422-8-4.
“Effect of mean arterial pressure (MAP) on early graft function of renal transplant recipients”. The European Anesthesiology Congress.Copenhagen, Denmark, June 02-04 2018.
“Ephedrine infusion with rescue ephedrine boluses versus rescue boluses alone for preventing hypotension during spinal anesthesia for caesarean section” XV Conference of the Association of Anesthetists and Resuscitators. November 09, 2018.Tirana, Albania.
鈥淪pinal anesthesia for cesarean section – safe and effective. Our experience in 糖心logo入口 2鈥 4th International Multidisciplinary Medical Congress in Albania 2018, 15-17 November, Tirana, Albania.
“New approach for therapy in chronic low back pain”, Second Conference of Technical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Sciences – Challenges and Perspectives. Tirana, 22 November 2019
“Panic attack and pandemic SARS-CoV-2. His management during Covid-19 ”
Anesthesia-Resuscitation Medical Conference, 糖心logo入口, Tirana, April 22-23, 2021
“Prophylactic Ephedrine infusion for preventing hypotension during spinal anesthesia for caesarean delivery”, F SH M T Conference, 23 June 2021
“Effect of tocilizumab on clinical outcomes in patients with severe coronavirus disease and imaging data on CT.”
Conference of the department DDRSHIKIOGJ, F SH M T, UMT, Tirana, 9-10 December 2021
“Analgesic effect of intrathecal neostigmine in lower extremity surgery”, MEDICUS, ISSN 1409-6366, UDC 61, Vol. XIV (2), December, 2010.
“Fatty Embolism: Incidence, Diagnosis and Treatment”, Medical Journal Nr. 3 – 2011. ISSN 0255-6790.
“An unusual of early fulminant post-traumatic fat embolism syndrome”, MEDICUS, ISSN 1409-6366, UDC 61, Vol. XVI (2), December, 2011.
“Complications of local anesthesia”. IV course of CEEA (Committe for European Education in Anesthesiology). April 19-20, 2013.Tirana, Albania.ISBN: 978-999-4398-01-0
“Management of injury control in patients with polytrauma” Edition II-Year 2018, ISBN 978-9928-4436-4-9 (Co-author)
“The effect of average blood pressure on the early graft function of the kidney transplant recipient”, Contemporary Medicine and Nursing No. 1, May 2018, Official Scientific Journal published by F SH M T, UM, Tirana.ISSN 2616-9290
“Fatty embolism in fractures with firearms”, International Conference “Injuries with firearms”, Tirana, September, 1998.
“Stress and anesthesiologist”, Scientific Conference “Anesthesia, Emergency, intensive care and pain.” October, 2002.
“Frequency of septic conditions and multiorgan suffering in the injured.” Scientific Conference “Anesthesia, urgency, intensive therapy and pain.” October, 2002.
“Rescue links in trauma – a perspective in 10 years”, 11th Medical-Surgical Conference, Tirana 2003.
“Penetrating arterial injuries and our experience in their treatment”, International symposium on critical care medicine, 18th Annual Meeting, Trieste, Italy November 14-17, 2003.
“Sepsis, septic shock and bacteraial flora isolated in patients with gunshot injurie”, International symposium on critical care medicine, 18th Annual Meeting, Trieste, Italy November 14-17, 2003.
“Spinal anesthesia in orthopedic interventions: a comparative study of the use of hyperbaric marker with and without clonidine”, Conference IV, “Anesthesia, urgency, intensive care, pain”, Tirana 26-27 March 2004.
“The contribution of family members in the cost of medication to the traumatized in the ICU”, Conference IV, “Anesthesia, urgency, intensive care, pain”, Tirana March 26-27, 2004.
“Isolated microbial flora in the traumatized in the ICU”, Conference IV, “Anesthesia, urgency, intensive therapy, pain”, Tirana 26-27 March 2004.
“Septic patients and isolated microbial flora”, Conference V, “Anesthesia, urgency, intensive care, pain”, Tirana 25-26 March 2005.
“The value of mechanical ventilation in the prognosis of compressive syndrome – asphyxia traumatic”, Conference V, “Anesthesia, urgency, intensive therapy, pain”, Tirana 25-26 March 2005.
“Tracheotomy in intensive therapy, when, where and who”, Conference V, “Anesthesia, urgency, intensive therapy, pain”, Tirana 25-26 March 2005.
“Bacterial flora isolated in septic patients with gunshot injury”, Annual Meetin of the European Society of Anesthesiology, Vienna, Austria, May 28-31, 2005. ISSN 0265-0215.
“Hyperbaric bupivacaine on spinal anesthesia with or without clonidine in orthopedic surgery”, Annual Meetin of the European Society of Anesthesiology, Madrid, Spain, June 3-6, 2006. ISSN 0265-0215
“Foering body in the right ventricle and its sequels”, Annual Meetin of the European Society of Anesthesiology, Madrid, Spain, June 3-6, 2006. ISSN 0265-0215
Damage Control, The First International Anesthesiology and Critical Care Conference, Prishtina, October 20-22, 2006
“Priorities of spinal anesthesia to general anesthesia during partial prostheses in femoral neck fractures over the age of 65”, Conference I of the Albanian Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Tirana 2007.
“Incidence of greasy embolism in patients with pelvic and long bone fractures (femur and tibia): combined use of anticoagulants with methylprednisolone as a preventive factor”, I Conference of the Albanian Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Tirana 2007.
“Compartment syndrome and the role of fasciotomy in the reduction of ischemia in peripheral arterial trauma”, Annual Meetin of the European Society of Anesthesiology, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 31- June 3, 2008. ISSN 0265-0215.
“Our experience in the treatment of abdominal postoperative pain with epidural morphine”, Annual Meetin of the European Society of Anesthesiology, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 31- June 3, 2008. ISSN 0265-0215.
“Early tracheotomy results in politraumatic patients on ICU”, Annual Meetin of the European Society of Anesthesiology, Milan, Italy, June 6-9, 2009. ISSN 0265-0215.
“The role of pressure support ventilation and SBT with T-tube in detachment from mechanical ventilation and extubation of patients”, Conference IX of the Anesthesia Association – Resuscitation & IVs of the Pain Association, Tirana 19 June 2009.
“When the prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis begins”, Conference IX of the Anesthesia Association – Resuscitation & IVs of the Pain Association, Tirana 19 June 2009.
“Antibacterial treatment in intensive care: How long, how long?” , IX Conference of the Anesthesia – Resuscitation Association & IVs of the Pain Association, Tirana 19 June 2009.
“Combination of daily interruption” test “of sedation and ventilatory support” wake up and breath “in the disconnection of the patient from VM”, Conference X of the Association Anesthesia – Resuscitation, Tirana March 26-27, 2010.
“What attitude should be taken with antibiotics?”, Conference X of the Association Anesthesia – Resuscitation, Tirana March 26-27, 2010.
“Effects of Dexamethasone co-administration with local anesthetics on the duration of analgesia of the brachial plexus block – Nenclavicular pathway”, Conference X of the Anesthesia – Resuscitation Association, Tirana March 26-27, 2010.
“Toxicity from Bupivacaina after a sub-coracoidal block” – case presentation. Conference X of Anesthesia – Resuscitation Association, Tirana March 26-27, 2010.
“The advantages of paramedian appreach for spinal anesthesia of elderly patients in urology surgery”, Annual Meeting of the European Society of Anesthesiology, Helsinki, Finland, June 12-15, 2010. ISSN 0265-0215.
“Resistant microbial strains in traumatic septic patients”, Annual Meetin of the European Society of Anesthesiology, Helsinki, Finland, June 12-15, 2010. ISSN 0265-0215.
“The role of a unique protocol for weaning from mechanical ventilation in the ICU”, Annual Meetin of the European Society of Anesthesiology, Helsinki, Finland, June 12-15, 2010. ISSN 0265-0215.
“Infrocoracoidal block: the influence of anesthetic drug injection on a radial versus meidane response on success rate”. XI Serbian Congress, I Balkan Symposium of Anesthesiologists & intensivists. October 7, 2010. Belgrade, Serbia.
“The infraclavicular brachial plexus block: The effects of co-administration of dexamethasone with local anesthetics in time length of analgesia”, XI Serbian Congress, I Balkan Symposium of Anesthesiologists & intensivists. October 7, 2010. Belgrade, Serbia.
鈥淏acteria are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics in trauma patients鈥 II-nd International conferenceof anaesthesiology and intensive care 18-19 May 2012 Prishtine, Kosovo.
“Paramedian approach: a better technique for spinal anesthesia in elderly patients for femoral proximal fracture surgery” Zhurda T., Horeshka S., Sturce R., Bajraktari M., Jaho E., Dautaj B. University Trauma Hospital, Dept of Anesthesiology, Tirana, Albania. The European Anesthesiology Congress Geneva 2017 03-05 June,
“Administration efficiency proceeds from a lipid solution to treat systemic toxicity induced by bupivacaine after a precise sub-coracoid block.” Annales
Fran莽aises d鈥橝nesth茅sie et de R茅animation, Jullet-Au眉t 2010- Vol.29 – No 7 – 8 鈥損. 509-604. ISSN 0750-7653.
“Crush Syndrome”, Course III of CEEA (Committe for European Education in Anesthesiology). December 11-12, 2015. Tirana, Albania. ISBN: 978-9928-4281-8-9
1- Member of Medical Order
2- Member of Albanian Society of Anaesthesist
3- Member of European Society of Anaesthesist (ESA) since 200