
Dr. Gentian Huti

Dr. Gentian Huti


1991-1995 High School 鈥樷28 N毛ntori鈥 Shkod毛r

1995-2001 Tirana University Faculty of Medicine Entitle General Physician (diploma number 10750 )

2001-2003 Practice (Intensive Care)

2003-2007 Resident Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (Intensive Care Service) Entitle Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Physician (diploma nr. 2405)

8-9 march 2018 Hemodinamic monitoring. Training the trainers. Padova Italy

May 2018 Implantable ports training.Training the trainers, Paris, France

11-15 March 2019 鈥滻nternational Diploma in ECMO & Short-Term Respiratory/Circulatory Support鈥 La Pitie Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, France


2003-2007 Resident Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (Intensive Care Service) Universitary Centre Hospital Mother Teresa

2007- 2010 Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Physician near Neurosurgery Service at Universitary Centre Hospital Mother Teresa

2010-2011 Anaesthetist and intensiv care Physician near Hygeia Hospital Tirana

2011- 2016 Anaesthetist and intensiv care Physician near 糖心logo入口 Tirana

2011- 2016 The chief of department of 鈥淎nesthesia-Intensive Care Unit- Emergency鈥 in 糖心logo入口 Tirana

21 Nov. 2016-31 Aug.2017 Assistant in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit at Klinikum Karlsburg Germany

01 Sept.2017- ongoing Anesthetist and Intensive Care Physician at Spitali Amerikan 3.Tirane

2019-ongoing The Chief of Department of 鈥淎nesthesia-Intensive Care Unit鈥 at 糖心logo入口 3,Tiran毛

Conferences and activities in Albania about anesthesia and surgery during 2004-2019


1-Total parenteral nutrition in Malabsorbim Syndrome.

2-Tetanosis treatement and the value of early tracheostomy in ICU

3.The efficacity of laringeal masks in short period ventilation for difficult intubation.

4.The preoperatore embolic complication of sitting position in neurosurgery anesthesia.

5.The leucocitosis and early limphopenia after subaraknoidal hemorrages and the incidence of subsequent cerebral arterie vasospasem.

6.The chirurgical treatment of periferic nerve of leg after firearm damage.

7. Spinal Anesthesia for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in a 75 Years Old Patient with Congestive Heart Failure NYHA III: a case report.

8.Septic Shock of pseudomaonas paucimobilis in a diabetic patient : a case report

9.Evaluation of Procalcitonin in Adult Patients with Fever. International Jounal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online)2319-7064. Volume 3 Issue 12 December 2014 and Critical Care 2012,Volume 16,Suppl.3

10.Regional Anesthesia Alone as an alternative to general Anesthesia For Abdominal Surgery in Selected High-Risk Patients. The Albanian National Surgical Conference 31/10/2014-01/11/2014

11. On-pump mitral valve replacement in a conscious patient using High thoracic Epidural anesthesia as a sole anesthetic technique Abstract,E-poster Presentation number 7AP14-7 Euroanesthesia 2015 Berlin Germany and Case Presentation in Albanian Anesthesie and intensive care Conference 2014,Tirane, Albania.

12.Patient Monitoring in Critical Care Setting via Vital Signs..Presentation,International Medical congress in Albania 2015

13.Off-pump CABG-Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations. Presentation,International Medical congress in Albania 2015

14 From Pre-Existing Renal Failure to Perioperative Renal Protection: The Anesthesiologist鈥檚 Dilemmas鈥橝nesth Pain Med. 2016 In. Press(In Press): e32386 doi: 10.5812/aapm.32386 Published online 2016 January 11. Review Article

15. High thoracic epidural anesthesia (HTEA) in cardiac surgery as a sole anesthetic technique: seriesof 8 interventions. POSTER SESSION EACTA 31 th ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016

16. Role of Epidural Anesthesia for pain in cardiac surgery. Lecture in the Anestesthesia session in 3th IMCA 2017

17.The role of desmopressin in Bleeding during cardiac surgery. Lecture at the XV Conference of the association of anesthetists and resuscitators of Albania 2018

18. Trauma and Coagulopathy. The second name in the topic in the XV Conference of the association of anesthetists and resuscitators of Albania.

19. The continuous renal replacement therapy, indications in ICU, the 糖心logo入口 experience. G.Huti (II) .IMCA 2018 Sessions Anesthesiology and Intensive care

20.New Concepts and debates on sepsis. G.Huti (II) IMCA 2018 Sessions Anesthesiology and Intensive care

21.Desmopressin for cardiac surgery, G.Huti Lecture. IMCA 2018 Sessions Anesthesiology and Intensive Care.

22. Intensive Therapy in patients with neurovascular problems. G.Huti. Lecturer. Medical Conference Neurology.Focus “Stroke, risk factors and challenges of its treatment鈥 April 25, 2019

23.Author of 鈥淗ihg thoracic epidural anesthesia in cardiac surgery as a sole anesthetic technique; series of 12 interventions鈥. Session Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Anesthesiology.01-03 June Euroanesthesia 2019.The European Anesthesiology Congress

24. Author of 鈥淗ihg thoracic epidural anesthesia in cardiac surgery as a sole anesthetic technique; series of 12 interventions鈥. Albanian Journal of trauma and Emergency Surgery Vol 3, Nr 2.July 2019.

25. 鈥淐oarctation of the Aorta and Post-Stenotic Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm Successfully Treated with Endovascular Stent鈥 PMID: 32904705, PMCID: PMC7457696, DOI: 10.2147 / IMCRJ.S267692, 2020 Aug 25; 13: 367-370. doi: 10.2147 / IMCRJ.S267692.eCollection 2020.Pubmed.

26.Abstract 鈥淎nesthetic Considerations of patient with severe aortic stenosis for non-cardiac surgery and cardiac surgery. Case report, Euroanesthesia 2020,28-30 november 2020

27.Abstract 鈥淪pinal Tumor and pregnant women: neurosurgery and cesarean delivery dilemma鈥 Euroanesthesia 2020,28-30 november 2020.

28. Infectious Diseases Medical Conference with focus “Update of the latest news on COVID-19 in our country”, Lecturer on “Intensive care in patients with COVID-19. 17/02/2021

29. Moderator in the Medical Conference Anesthesia-Resuscitation with the theme “Update and medical management of patients with COVID-19 in ICU” and lecturer on “Opposites in the treatment of COVID-19” 22-23 April 2021, Tirana, Albania

30.Oral Presentation in ARUD 2021 鈥淪troke Challenges in COVID-19鈥, 30.04-02.05 2021

31.Oral presention in 5th Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery with 鈥淰entilatory assistance Covid-19鈥, 12-13 November 2021

32.Oral presentation in 鈥淐onference of Medical Sciences 10鈥 12-14 May 2022 with 鈥淭he Role of tocilizumab in Covid-19鈥 12-14 / 05/2022

33.Oral Presentation in Masterclass 鈥淐ovid-Long Covid: Multiorgan Injuries and the Multidisciplinary Approach鈥 with 鈥淧ostcovid Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accidents鈥 21 May 2022


1.Refreshes Courses in Anesthesiology organized from CEEA 2012,Tiran毛, Albania

2.Refreshes Courses in Anesthesiology organized from CEEA 2013 Tiran毛, Albania

3.The European Anaesthesiology Congress, Euroanesthesia 2012

4.The European Anaesthesiology Congress, Euroanesthesia 2013

5. Training for percutaneous tracheostomy under endoscopy at Ninewells Hospital and medical school Dundee Scotland, 15 May 2013

6.The European Anaesthesiology Congress, Euroanesthesia 2015

7.Member of Scientific Committee and Chairperson in the session 鈥淥rthopedics & Emergency Care & Intensive Care, International Medical Congreess in Albania IMCA 24/04/2015-25/04/2015.

8.Co-chairs in the session 鈥07AP14 Heart Valve Surgery,Thoracic Aorta surgery鈥, Euroanestheisa 2015 Berlin Germany.

9.The Annual Congress 2016 EACTA

10. 3th International Multidisciplinary Medical Congress in Albania. Certificate of Atendance as a Lecture.

11. XV Conference of the Association of Anesthetists and Resuscitators of Albania. Moderator Session III.12.IMCA 2018 Certificate of attendance as a Lecture.

13. Hemodinamic monitoring. Training the trainers. Padova Itali, 8-9 mars 2018.

14. Implantable ports training.Training the trainers, Paris, France, Maj 2018.

15.鈥滻nternational Diploma in ECMO & Short-Term Respiratory/Circulatory Support鈥 11-15 March 2019 La Pitie Salpetriere Hospital in Paris France

16.The European Anesthesiology Congress 01-03 June Euroanesthesia 2019

17.Neurology medical Conference,Focus 鈥淪troke鈥 25 april 2019,Certificate as a lector

18.Macedonian Congress Anesthesiology,Reanimation and Intensive Care VI, 24-27.10.2019.Cetificate as a Lectur

19.Euroanesthesia 2020,28-30 november 2020. Certificate of attendance

20.Moderator at the Medical Conference Anesthesie-ICU with the Focus鈥漃erditesimi dhe menaxhimi mjeksor I pacientit me COVID-19 ne ICU鈥,22-23 april 2021.

21.Certificate participating in the digital dialog webinar on 鈥淪afety in Anesthesia and Avoiding Medication Errors鈥, 30 june 2021 by Indian College of Anesthesiolgist

22.Certificate of Attendance ARUD 2021 Congress 鈥淏alkan States Anesthesia Dates VII:Innovations in Anesthesia,Intensive Care and Pain during Covid-19 Pandemic Era鈥, 30 april-2 may 2021

23.Certificate of attendance in EuroELso Webinar-Combined ECLS with ECMO and Impella: Indications, physiological basis and management 3/03/2022.

24.Certificate of attendance e-Masterclass 鈥淗aemodinamics鈥 06/04/2022-08/04/2022 Brussels, Belgium organised from ESICM.

25.Certificate as a moderator and lector in 鈥淐onference of Medical Sciences 10鈥 鈥 12-14 May 2022

26.Certificate as a moderator and lector in Masterclass 鈥淐ovid-Long-Covid:Demtimet multiorganore dhe perqasja multidisciplinare鈥 21 may 2022

27.Certificate of attendance 鈥淩enal Replacement Therapy in ICU-State of The Art E-Masterclass鈥 30-31 may 2022 Brussels Belgium organised from ESICM

28.Certificate of attendance in 鈥淢odules in Bronchoscopy Course鈥 8-10 June 2022 organised from Amsterdam UMC in Amsterdam.


1.European Society of Anesthesiology ,ESA 2015-2016,2019,2020,2021

2.European Society of Intensive Care Medicine,ESICM 2015,2018,2019,2021

3.European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologist, EACTA 2016, 2018, 2019

4.Albanian Society of Anestesiology, Intensive Care and Pain

5.ELSO member 2019, 2021

6.The President of the Albanian Association of the Cardiothoracal Anesthesia, AACTA

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